The following words of Al Roxburgh are hard to take, prophetic, maybe in some ways over the top - but I think worth thinking about and maybe praying over individually, and as Christian leaders and communities.
We need a movement of God's people into neighbourhoods, to live out and be the new future of Christ. It must be a movement that demonstrates how the people of God have a vision and the power to transform our world. This is not the same as current attempts to grow bigger and bigger churches that act like vacuum cleaners, sucking people out of their neighbourhoods into a sort of Christian supermarket.
Our culture does not need any more churches run like corporations; it needs local communities empowered by the gospel vision of a transforming Christ who addresses the needs of the context and changes the polis into a place of hope and wholeness.
The corporation churches we are cloning across the land cannot birth this transformational vision, because they have no investment in context or place; they are centres of expressive individualism with a truncated gospel of personal salvation and little else. Our penchant for bigness and numerical success as the sign of God's blessing only discourages and deflects attempts to root communities of God's people deeply into neighbourhoods. And until we build transformed communities there is no hope for a broken earth.
-- Reaching the Next Generation