Cam Roxburgh, Pastor of the creative Southside Community - five congregations covenanted together as one church in Vancouver, British Columbia, says:
The word 'Missional' has become a 'buzz-word.' We hear it used in so many different ways ranging from a new program that a church has initiated to a synonym for evangelism, to the type or model of ministry that a church is using. But none of these come close to capturing the meaning of what it truly means to be a missional church.
Missional Church is not a model of church in the long line of models that we have adopted or adapted in a local context such as Seeker Driven or Purpose Driven, Cell Church or House Church, Traditional or Contemporary.
Rather it is a deep-seated belief that God is a missional God (always has been and always will be) who is sending His people (the Church) into the world.
Another definition (from states: Missional Church is one "that is sent by a 'missionary God' into the world - to be a sign, foretaste and instrument of the Kingdom of God."