Monday, May 7, 2007

Women 'Get' Mission

Stopped in at Baptist Women's Conference, last weekend in Gatineau, Quebec - held at the Chateau Cartier Resort. Saw my friends, Marc and Kim Wyatt, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship missioners, who will soon return to partner with us in Canada - in reaching out to welcome the international peoples of the world who have settled in our major cities (and places in-between).

Above, Patty Card, who with her husband Malcolm are part of the global field staff of Canadian Baptist Ministries, serving in Kenya, introduces a friend and leader from Kenya to the women gathered. (I'm sorry, I missed her name but will try to get it . . .)

I love the women-in-mission emphasis of Baptist Women of Ontario & Quebec. They 'get it.' Indeed, Baptist women have always 'gotten it' - having led the way for over a hundred years, in Gospel response and missional initiatives. They gathered to send missioners before the Baptist Convention of Ontario & Quebec (with whom I serve) had been thought of. They are still way ahead of most men - and, frankly, most churches in initiating and responding to the Church in mission globally.