Friday, August 24, 2007

Dissonance to Consonance

I've been thinking of what Al Roxburgh says about those of us who are 'liminal' Christians (waking to the fact that our churches are now 'on the margins' of society) needing to interact and learn from 'emerging' Christians - and vice versa. It reminded me of what Len Sweet wrote a few years ago in one of his 'Soul Cafe' articles. I looked it up. He wrote in two metaphors . . .

Said Len, 'We must learn to sing in harmony once again. It used to be we sang parts when we sang hymns. Now we sing the melody line, and leave it to the choir to sing parts. If we are to enjoy the post-majority world, where no one ethnic group will ever again dominate, we must learn to sing in parts, and to love sounds of harmony. By the way, my musician friends tell me that to resolve two dissonant notes, you either can force the notes together until they make the same sound or the sound you want to hear, or you can add a third note which will resolove the dissonance into consonance. The future belongs to those who can add the right notes, not force others to sing their part."