Al Roxburgh writes: "One of the serendipitous moments was a conversation with a woman who had just graduated from a program in church planting. She talked about what she and her husband wanted to do with the next twenty years of life since they are in that ‘retirement’ age bracket. I loved her response - they are planning to move into a neighborhood, settle down for the long haul and build their lives in to the ordinary spaces and rhythms of the community - out of that basic life commitment they will discover the kind of church God wants to call forth. What was so energizing about her description is that way it corresponds with a lot of conversations I’m having with people these days. There’s this undercurrent, not a movement yet, of people like this women who are ready to dwell in the ordinary and see what God will do. That’s the future of the church! She wanted to know if there were others who sensed the same kind of call to move back into the neighborhood. We need to start connecting and sharing stories with one another. Then she said - all I ever find are these church planters with big strategies (what I call the high testosterone approach to planting church) and big plans for people’s lives and I’m not interested in that! I think a lot of us are in that space."
-- Allelon: A Movement of Missional Leaders