In the immediate context, Jesus says: Nobody who puts foot to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of Heaven . . .
Jesus sends out 70 disciples, two by two – ahead to places where Jesus was about to go. He points out that there is much to do: a great harvest lies ahead. His disciples are to pray that the Lord of the harvest would bring other labourers to the ask and these disciples are themselves to go, in part as answer to their own prayer.
The disciples are to go, sent by the Lord Himself, as lambs (who follow this shepherd) among wolves (to people that like to eat lambs. So, there is warning and risk, but we are to go anyway.
Following this thought, too, we go as weak and vulnerable people, ordinary, non-aggressive, needing everything but to be expecting to find it when we get there.
We are not to overly think or overly plan; in fact don’t take stuff with you, for you will, in a sense, scavenge as you go and ‘live off the land’ and from the people into whose midst you will arrive. And don’t talk to anyone on the road. Rather go directly, resolutely and without allowing interruptions or things or people to distract you.
Go to towns and cities. Start by saying, when you get there and enter a house: ‘Peace to this house’ (even they’re ‘wolves’) – because you’ve come to offer: your presence (and Jesus’ soon arrival too), God’s shalom, His wholeness and blessing. Again, forage as you go; don’t move around; eat what you get.
In their homes, live incarnationally present with them. Stay there in their houses, among them, with them, sharing their meals, appreciating their hospitality and a place to sleep. Your ministry is worth such reward.
Heal the sick; preach the Kingdom. The Kingdom is very near simply in your being there, having obeyed Jesus – and representing Him – and doing the very things that He would do and will do more fully when He arrives. If disciples are there, the Kingdom is there. Shake the dust off your feet (a kind of cursing if they refuse the blessing?!), for they have rejected the Kingdom of