Sunday, August 5, 2012

Missional Priests

Martin Luther and the Reformers recovered the Bible’s teaching concerning the priesthood of every believer, so that each Christ-apprentice in each and every aspect of life, whatever their vocation and wherever lived, can be said to be a minister of the Gospel.

Further Biblical reflection reveals that while each believer indeed is to be a minister, we are to be missioners as well, for we have been called into ‘the Missio Dei’ – the Mission of God.

God calls a People, a universal (and locally) congregated Body. To it, every Jesus-follower is called, individually and together to join in the mission of God, announcing and showing the already-present Rule of God and setting up sign posts to its future, full manifestation on planet earth.

God so loved and so loves the world, the cosmos, that He sent His Son . . .

God is on Mission and He is calling persons to be His People, joining God’s reclamation of this planet and all on it, bringing back to God’s self and purposes the People, Places and Things He so loves.