Sunday, September 9, 2012

Church and Commodity

We have bought into the culture of commodity and production. We have been seduced by ‘empire’ around us. We claim Jesus to be Lord but we listen to other lords who through media and model and manatras have seduced us into living life their way, the way of the world, which is not the alternative, upsidedown culture of the Christ. Walmart or McDonalds – we go because we have needs and wants.
But what would happen if you were a church that said to those who gathered and walked and worked together – ‘It’s not about you, it’s not firstly about your needs, let alone wants. Even concerns, needs, wants with regard to our family – all of that might be met, as a by-product of our seeking another way, a more bilblical way, a missional way of following Jesus, of being church in our times.
Seek first the Kingdom; get in on God’s missional agenda – and all these things will be added to you (at least the things we truly need – God knows).