Sunday, September 9, 2012

Loss of Missional Understanding

Are we in danger or have we actually missed the point of why the Church exits, why were called out and into? C. S. Lewis once observed "there exists in every church something that sooner or later works against the very purpose for which it came into existence. So we must strive very hard, by the grace of God, to keep the church focused on the mission that Christ originally gave to it."
What are we to do when a local church has been reduced to a remnant of faithful, albeit disheartened people, especially compared to days of former strength and glory?  Surely, it has now got to do something radical (but what?) - for mere survival (if it is to survive). And can it possibly thrive once more – perchance to rediscover its missional identity - each congregant becoming a passionate disciple of Jesus, and the entire church joining with Him in what He is doing – globally where and when possible, in the life of the particular community and communities all around it.